Apparently I had my blog comments set as userID only. Julie showed me how to fix that so anyone who wants to comment now can. I also had a great blog going but my computer ate it!
Today I was at EE Wilson. There didn't seem to be as many birds today, but I came away with more data. So, there must have been more birds and it just didn't seem like it. My flock of Bushtits wasn't there today. I love watching these guys because they're so full of character, having to count them is another story though! They're super small and are often in flocks of 20-40 birds (though I've seen them as small as 10, I've heard stories of them being up to 50). The Western wood-pewees were out in force. They were being hilarious, chasing each other around and calling endlessly. There were a ton of Black-headed grosbeaks too, even in the small black hawthorn. The Cedar waxwings made a strong appearance too, also in the black hawthorn. I saw the Great-horned owl again. It is in the site I went to first today every morning that I'm there. I also saw a juvenile Great-blue heron and an juvenile Turkey vulture. At one point a covey of about 20 quail flew out of one of the blackberry bushes. Two males stuck behind, watching out for the others maybe? Otherwise there wasn't much excitement today. The Common yellowthroats are not singing anymore and they didn't call much today at all. I'm starting to wonder about the Song sparrows. Some of "them" are so dark, I have to wonder if they're actually song sparrows. They seem like it, I'm just beginning to doubt myself!
Eh, this is really all for today. I'm tired and have a lot of work to do. We'll see what kind of birds tomorrow brings!
Christmas Shroom Growing Challenge!
2 years ago
i am life has become entrenched in Moreland hall once hoo. we should go camping in the near future when I am breifly not obligated to be on campus.
eabdeglad you got your comments user fixed. i feel like i'm out ther in the field with you. there is a large wooded area across the road from my house where I've seen pileated woodpeckers this past spring. I've also seen and heard barred owls. The eastern bluebirds seem to be making a come back. i had 2 nestings in the boxes in the back yard with successful fledgings! A.
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